Griffin is a leading venue for physical gas and power in Europe.


Our market data is more than just reflective of the market – it is integral to our customers’ view on the liquid contracts and used to inform risk management and trading decisions.

Real time data-feeds keep traders and risk managers abreast of up-to-the-second movements in price with full market depth across multiple markets and contracts.  Our view-only screens provide live coverage of all contracts from the spot market right across the curve to ensure complete and comprehensive surveillance of the energy markets.

The TTF Front Season price as transacted on Griffin’s marketplace

The German Baseload power front month price as transacted on Griffin’s marketplace

Griffin also supplies historic market data including trade and order data.

You can contact our Market Data team on +44 (0) 20 7808 4213 for more information.

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The TTF Day ahead price as transacted on Griffin’s marketplace

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